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new way to health and beauty

and rejuvenation
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  1. antiageing
  2. recover
  3. correction
  4. awakening
Introduction - slide 2

9 Reasons

See main advantages
of Reconvel products

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Introduction - slide 3

RECONVEL products are unique by their composition and effect

Solution for the body from the foundations

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Introduction - slide 4



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Introduction - slide 5

Cell Recovery

Solution for the body from the foundations

Life cannot exist without energy. And energy cannot exist without life.
Life’s strength and energy is in balance with everything living that creates it.

Strength without the weakest segment

Peptides are unique. By their function and meaning. They are the smallest chains of amino acids significant to the healthy functioning of the cells.

Being the smallest does not mean being the least important. Quite the opposite. They are the basic building segments of every organism – they replace what is missing in the cell and repair what is damaged. This is how our bodies are awakened, regenerated, strengthened, and rejuvenated by peptides

Naturalness is the key

Peptides are present in all living organisms, in every cell and tissue of the body. They play a key role in the most of the biological processes and activities. For achieving a balance and maintenance of health, it is necessary to keep them at appropriate level of concentration and activity.


Never-ending power of nature

Ak silu prirodzene strácame, iba nám vlastný mechanizmus nám ju rovnako prirodzene vráti. Produkty Reconvel riešia organizmus od základu. Rekonštruujú bunky tým najprirodzenejším spôsobom – peptidmi.

New way to health

Reconvel products are exactly what a disturbed organism needs in order to be in harmony.

“The new way to health” is the most natural one. Thanks to its core and essential component – peptides.




Organ regeneration

Breathe life in

12 products focused on regeneration of organs, central nervous system and musculoskeletal system, for physical health of the body, mental well-being and lust for life stimulation, and to improve performance for hard working people and athletes. 

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Imunity regulation

Grab the lifebuoy

6 products focused on immunity and autoimmune disorders, seasonal and chronic allergies, and for elimination of viruses.

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Skin care

Beautificitanion and rejuvenation

Feel life on your own skin

3 products focused on the face and neck - fine and pronounced wrinkles, an allergic, problematic, dehydrated, or tired skin, skin care for the whole body - allergic and atopic skin; and care for the scalp - hair loss and hair follicle stimulation.

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Skin creme

Skin revitalisation

Feel beauty on your own skin

11 creams focused on wrinkles elimination, regeneration and anti-ageing effect, regeneration and soothe mechanically damaged skin, suppress signs of cellulite, elimination of stretchmarks and freshly healed scars, and hair follicle stimulating tonic.


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Cell Core Laboratory is a Slovak company with a certified laboratory for the production, research and development of bioactive peptide ultrafiltrates under the trademark Reconvel®.  Their bioactivity speaks about the property of inducing a biological effect - to improve physiological functions in the body through cell renewal. Based on this, we can solve a wide range of diseases, damages in the body or for example increase the performance of an individual. 

The ultrafiltrates revitalize and reconstruct the damaged cells of the organism. By ultrafiltration we process the individual components to the size of a millionth of a millimeter and in mutual synergy with the auxiliary organ they stimulate the cell renewal of the damaged organ. The basis of our peptide ultrafiltrates are substances which we gain from vital organs of young animals. Most often from brain, spinal cord and thymus gland, a small organ behind the breastbone that plays an important function both in the immune system and endocrine system. However, we also use peptides of plant origin. We use only 100% biological material – no synthetics. 

 Most often we focus on:

  • Neurological disorders such as - Dementia, Epilepsy, Tourette's syndrome, Parkinson's disease
  • Central Nervous System disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy (CP)
  • Musculoskeletal damages such as accidental injuries or neurological cases
  • Immune system disorders such as autoimmune diseases, COVID-19, post COVID-19 syndrome
  • Damages of organism caused by aging
  • Digestive problems, Allergies
  • Mental stimulation
  • Disease prevention
  • Regeneration of professional athletes (improve physiological functions)
  • Anti-Aging, Wrinkle Correction, Acne, Stimulation of Hair growth - bioactive peptide cosmetics

The basis of our peptide ultrafiltrates are substances which we gain from vital organs of young animals. Most often brain, spinal cord and thymus gland, a small organ behind the breastbone that plays an important function both in the immune system and endocrine system. However, we also use peptides of plant origin. Bioactivity of our ultrafiltrates speaks about the property of inducing a biological effect - to improve physiological functions in the body.  Peptides and other biologically active substances of a low molecular weight are obtained by tangential crossflow filtration. These ultrafiltrates have no mutagenic effects and do not cause any allergic reactions. Ultrafiltrates for oral use are dispensed into radiation sterilized ampoules with a hermetic seal. The head of the application practice is Mr. Milan Čižmár and the head of the research and development team of the Cell Core Laboratory is Assoc. Prof. Ing. Pavel Babusik, CSc., Dr. h. c., with more than 35 years of practice focuses mainly on animal biotechnology.

Producton process



Basic types of peptides

There are an enormous number of peptides which undertake a whole range of highly important functions in the body.

The basic types of peptides are proteins, carriers, enzymes, hormones, neuropeptides, alkaloids, antibiotics, and structural components.

Reconvel products contain all of the above types of peptides.



Peptides are the molecules which build what are commonly known as proteins. All peptides are made up of amino acids which are chemically bound together. According to size, peptides can contain as few as two amino acids joined by a single bond - dipeptides and up to thousands of amino acids joined together in a chain - polypeptides.

Joined peptide bonds form proteins.



All cells have a protective membrane which prevents most substances from easily entering the cell. Some peptides work as “transmitters”, allowing essential substances to enter the cells through the cell membranes. For instance, glucose transmitters are essential for the transport of glucose from the blood to the muscles and other cells so that it can be used as energy.

As well, free radicals may leave cells thanks to transmitter peptides.



Enzymes are biological accelerators which speed up metabolic reactions. Most enzymes are peptides. There are hundreds of different enzymes in the body which speed up reactions contributing to a host of processes.

These processes include digesting food, producing energy, and linking cellular components.



Hormones are types of peptides which transmit signals between glands and cells in the whole body, this helps the control of body functions. They work as biological messengers transmitting information by the blood from one tissue to another.

Among examples of peptide hormones belong for instance those, engaged with regulation the level of glucose in the blood, as insulin and glucagon, and those which regulate appetite for food, as ghrelin and leptin.

Hormones are types of peptides which transmit signals between glands and cells in the whole body, this helps the control of body functions. They work as biological messengers transmitting information by the blood from one tissue to another.



Neuropeptidy sú produkované v mozgu a sú súčasťou nervových tkanív. Tieto peptidy fungujú ako informačné procesory v celom tele, kde prenášajú signály spúšťané z mozgu.

Bežnou formou neuropeptidov sú napríklad endorfíny.



Alkaloidy sú peptidy, ktoré sa bežne nachádzajú pri vývoji obranných mechanizmov v hubách, rastlinách a malých zvieratách, ako sú kôrovce.

Ergotamín, pandamine a dynorfin sú typy alkaloidných peptidov, ktoré sa podieľajú aj na ochrane a imunite ľudského organizmu.



Antibiotics are peptides which prevent the growth of microorganisms in the body.

They are specifically used in the human body to destroy bacteria which cause disease.


Structural components

Peptides are also constructive elements in the body.

When peptide chains reach a longer length, they form proteins, which are the basic building blocks for parts of the human body, animals, and plants.

For instance, actin and myosin are important constructive elements of muscles. Peptides also contribute to the bones’ shape and firmness. Keratin is a part of hair and nails, and collagen is a part of tendons and ligaments.


Explaining peptides

Peptides are chains of amino acids connected by a peptide bond: the bond between the C-terminal of one amino acid and the N-terminal of another. Depending on the number of amino acids which create peptides, there are oligopeptides (2 to 10 amino acids), polypeptides (11 to 100 amino acids) and proteins (101 or more amino acids).

Peptides fulfil a number of various roles in organisms: these include the tripeptide glutathione, which is an enzyme co-factor protecting plants and animals from oxidative stress; peptides with hormonal effects, such as oxytocin and vasopressin; neuromodulators, such as encephalins and endorphins; natural antibiotics; plant, fungi, bee, and snake toxins; and peptide alkaloids. Peptides naturally present in the human body are important in all of the body’s biological functions, such as regulating the levels of sugar in the blood and the correct functioning of endocrine glands, organs, and systems.

Biologically active substances naturally occurring in organisms can be used for the whole body’s benefit, or for the benefit of particular organs. Their unique character and the absence of negative effects on the human body make them desired tools in the fight against disorders and diseases.

Specific ultrafiltrates are composed of peptides and other organic and inorganic components acquired from the cells of organs, systems of animal organisms, and the cells of plants, fungi, and resins, for finding a biological and physiological balance. These bioactive elements have a supportive, regenerative, and protective effect.

The molecular mass of the organic and inorganic elements in dietary supplements is standardised at 5 kDa, which is a size of 1 to 2 nm. The low molecular weight and small dimensions of the consumed bioactive substances ensure that they are absorbed by the blood vessels under the tongue. In order to ensure their stability and activity in the dietary supplement, these substances are kept in an isotonic physiological solution with a stable pH level.

Research has shown that the effects of bioactive substances have a high specificity for certain target receptors. Here they join in the “cell-to-cell” communication mechanism and trigger regenerative and revitalisation processes. Their high specificity also reduces the chances of dangerous interactions with other substances and significantly reduces the side-effects of the dietary supplement.



The main advantage and aim of our products was shown when we did not have a single dissatisfied consumer and did not register any negative side-effects from the hundreds of people who tried our products when following the instructions for use over the testing period.


The whole manufacturing and packaging process takes place exclusively under certified laboratory conditions.


Despite having more than (2x) double the concentration and (1/2) half the molecular mass,we can still provide a (<) lower pricethan other products in the field.



We only use biological material and nothing synthetic. The temperature during the whole manufacturing process never reaches more than 40°C/104 F. Thanks to this, the acquired peptides remain bioactive, meaning that they remain in their natural state for reception by the building block molecules of the organs right in the cells themselves.


The extracts are ultrafiltered to ensure that the peptides are not bound to larger protein chains, meaning that they can naturally pass through the pores of the cell covering right into the cell interior.


We use our own verified and active concentration of ultrafiltrates of more than 500 μg/ml, which guarantees a sufficient amount necessary for the repair and revitalisation of cells.


We have 21 specific dietary supplements, 11 creams, and 1 hair tonic with a verified combination of active ingredients in the optimum amount for various and specific purposes.


We make products with active ingredients which pass into the vascular bed under the tongue or which are applied on the skin. They are safe and at a natural concentration in order to be effective without the need for invasive methods of application.


All of the oral preparations are made of ultrafiltrates from molecules which are so small that they are 10 times smaller than microbes and viruses, and some 100 times smaller than mould, which cannot pass through the filter. The products are packed in the laboratory in laminar boxes in a sterile environment. Our products are therefore absolutely pure, and thanks to the chosen technology, they do not contain any preservatives.

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